Winter Driving Tips for Pennsylvania Drivers

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Winter driving in Pennsylvania can be hazardous, to say the least. With dense, stop-and-go traffic, severe winter storms, and many steep, winding roads, drivers in the Greater Philadelphia region have to stay hyper-vigilant to avoid collisions in the winter months.

A Millennial’s Brief Guide to Retirement Planning

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The past couple of years have been tough economically, especially for young professionals—a.k.a. millennials in their 20s and 30s— who have been hit hard with student loan burdens, housing expenses, rising costs of healthcare, and more. According to the National Institute of Retirement Security, about 66 percent of people between the ages of 21 and […]

The 5 Most Common Natural Disasters in the United States

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One of the biggest dangers that homeowners in the United States face is the potential of a natural disaster. From raging winds to the destruction of hail, natural disasters cause thousands of dollars’ worth of property damage in Pennsylvania every year. Some of the most common natural disasters seen in the United States include: